Being named as someone’s Personal Representative (formerly Executor) under their Will or the Trustee of their Trust can often be overwhelming. You are grieving the loss of a close loved one, and likely feeling the immense pressure of also administering his or her estate or trust. Navigating through the Probate Court system or the language of a Trust is uncharted territory for most. As a Fiduciary (e.g. Personal Representative, Trustee) you face many complex issues, processes, and responsibilities. You are exposed to liability if you do not administer the estate properly. Many have no idea where to even start.

Your responsibilities may include some or all of the following:

  • Filing the Will with the probate court

  • Gathering the deceased’s assets

  • Paying expenses and bills

  • Filing timely tax returns (income, fiduciary, estate)

  • Dealing with creditor claims

  • Keeping meticulous records of the assets coming in and going out of the estate or trust

  • Selling real estate

  • Obtaining valuations and appraisals of the property

  • Securing property

  • Adhering to strict court deadlines (for probate)

  • Keeping interested parties regularly informed

  • Distributing the remaining property to the beneficiaries or holding in trust


Your role as Fiduciary should not be taken lightly. You should consider and embrace professional assistance. Whether an accountant, attorney, financial advisor, appraiser – there are many hands needed to properly administer an estate or trust and you should never be afraid to ask for help. We want our clients to be able to freely grieve, and not feel overwhelmed with paperwork, deadlines, and administrative duties. We help our clients carry out the legacy of their loved ones by ensuring their wishes are properly carried out.


The Formal Probate Process and Timeline
The Informal Probate Process and Timeline

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