How To Help A Friend Or Relative Facing A Probate Issue

How To Help A Friend Or Relative Facing A Probate Issue

To lose a loved one is one of the most difficult situations you or a friend may find yourselves in. At Eckert Byrne, our mission is providing education and information of value to actually help people make the right decisions at the most difficult junctures of their life. The right advice can be invaluable. Two quick things of value we want to give you right now:

1. A downloadable probate guide so you actually have a framework for making decisions. Getting an overview and understanding the situation is your first step.

Probate is the formal court process for administering a person’s estate. While probate can be relatively straightforward for simple estates, it can also be difficult and time-consuming, and it has the potential to lead to costly disputes.

Additional resources:

2. A consultation with our Probate & Trust Department lead lawyer Eileen Curtin to provide clarity and a map forward, so you can understand your situation, and move forward with clear eyes and confidence. Call our office (617)-453-9001 or email to schedule a free 15-30 minute consultation via phone or Zoom with Eileen Curtin, our attorney in charge of probate and trust administration. Let her know your situation, and she will give you an overview of what your options are and what the best steps moving forward are.

Clarity, knowledge, and expertise will help you remove the stress around this process, and reveal a clear path for moving forward out of a very difficult situation.

We look forward to helping you.

