Vacation Planning

Vacation Planning

Dear Friends,

In the days leading up to my recent vacation in Sicily, I had a realization: I needed to revisit my estate planning documents. Like many of our clients, my busy schedule leaves little time for personal matters. When I reviewed my documents, I realized that it had been over 3 years since I dusted off my binder. Am I embarrassed, yes, but it’s what happens when you are busy living your life and running a law firm. I discovered that I needed to make some updates before my trip – within 48 hours!

My estate plan was out of date and needed an update. What changed? First, my son is now 20 and I felt like it was time to have him play a role in the event something happened to me and my husband. That alone required some thinking and soul searching.  Secondly, as the owner of two companies, I had a responsibility to ensure a contingency plan was in place for my clients and team in case of my absence. More time was required to think of what the ideal scenario would look like and necessitated a few conversations with the people I would ultimately name in this role.

I let my fiduciaries know where my documents were located and and provided them with a list of emergency contacts.  As I fastened my seatbelt on-board my flight to Sicily, I felt at peace knowing that my estate plan was up to date.

In hindsight, leaving it to the last-minute was less than ideal. It was stressful to get it done with limited time and while juggling everyday work. Consider my experience a lesson learned!  As you plan your summer adventures, pull out your binder and review your flowchart weeks in advance and let us know if you need to make changes.

